Join Today

By joining the CCSA and our affiliated Associations, your company gets access to national and regional programs and services to grow your business:

  • Representing your interests at the federal, provincial and municipal levels of government on issues affecting to your business

  • Access to industry data, research and best practices to help you with critical business decisions

  • Networking events and business development opportunities with leaders in Canada's convenience retail channel 

The CCSA has three types of membership: National Associate (product manufacturer and/or service provider to the channel), Retail and Distributor Members:

National Associate Member

If you are a product manufacturer and/or service provider to the convenience retail channel, please contact us at 1-877-934-3968 or to access the benefits of membership right away.

Retail Member

If you are a retailer, please click on the region of the country where you do business to join. Once you become a member of one of our affiliated regional associations you automatically become a member of the CCSA and begin receiving access to benefits of both associations


Distributor Member

If you are a distributor, please contact our office to join the National Convenience Stores Distributors Association. Once you become a member of our affiliated association you automatically become a member of the CCSA to ensure you receive access to benefits of both associations.